Every Tuesday from 2.00-4.00pm the Church hall becomes a community space for a variety of hobbies and activities. Anyone is welcome to share a hobby or skill and anyone is welcome to join an activity. They are all free. Alternatively you can come and relax and chat, or enjoy the peace in our quiet area. There will be an optional time of Christian prayer during the afternoon in the prayer room.

What we are:

– a Cafe style inclusive community space run by volunteers and members of Croham Road Baptist Church;
– open weekly on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00 – 4:00 pm,
– we aim to create a space where ‘everyone knows your name’ and where all are equal and valued;
– a place to belong, to share hobbies, to learn new skills and to connect;
– a shared place to attend to our emotional and mental wellbeing; and
– a quiet place established around a rhythm of prayer.

Based on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing:

Connect – opportunities to connect with others and make friendships
Staying active – events for everyone to join in with
Keep learning – workshops run by the community for the community
Take notice – a quiet space for reflection, prayer and meditation
Give – hobbies club for anyone to share a hobby

Our focus is underpinned by the principle of co-production which is a collaborative not a directive approach, and encourages anyone attending to set goals around these 5 Ways to Wellbeing.

Our Values:

Be present

•names not labels: show respect and recognition for each person
•actively demonstrate kindness, respect and compassion
•bring your gifts, strengths and hobbies to enjoy and share

Be prayerful

•maintain a space for prayer where all are welcome but without pressure
(These are Christian prayer rhythms based on the Bible)
•value the space to be quiet or reflective as much as the space to be sociable
•show respect for all beliefs and none whilst maintaining a Christian ethos

Be in partnership

•signpost anyone needing more support to professional services
•maintain boundaries and simplicity: do not try to fix others
•actively work alongside those working to improve mental and emotional wellbeing

We will not accept anyone attending under the influence of drugs or alcohol and will ask them politely to leave. Those who demonstrate unacceptable or disruptive behaviours that are not in accord with our core values identified above, will also be asked politely to leave. If necessary, if those unacceptable behaviours continue to be demonstrated or occur over a prolonged period of time, we reserve the right to involve our local Safeguarding Officer who may consult with the local Church Leadership Team and, if necessary, the local NHS Community Mental Health Team. As a last resort, the issue will be escalated to the local Police Service. We will also sign post anyone who needs access to specialist services run by either statutory bodies (NHS/Local Authority) or third sector agencies.


Renew 52 is hosted by Croham Road Baptist Church – all are welcome

Croham Road Baptist Church, 52 Croham Road, South Croydon, CR2 7BA

For more information contact Jackie Penistone

by email at jackie.penistone@crohamroadbaptist.co.uk