Leader: Tricia Walker
When: Friday’s 10.00 am – 11.30 am during term time
Where: Church Hall
Contact: Croham Road Baptist Church on 020 8686 0041 or Tricia Walker on 020 8660 2897, admin@crohamroadbaptist.co.uk
About Jelly Tots
This group has been running very successfully for many years providing parents, carers and children with a warm friendly place for playing and socialising.
Each Friday our hall is transformed into an Aladdin’s cave of toys, books, playdough, painting, puzzles and craft which the children, and occasionally the adults, make full use of. In addition to this we realise that not everyone has the chance to grab breakfast before bundling their little ones out of the front door, so we serve toast as well as coffee, tea and biscuits for which we ask for a donation if you are able.
As there is so much for the children to do parents and carers and helpers have opportunities to chat and share the latest parenting news and tips. The end of each session is marked by a good old sing song, with actions!
Our team of helpers are enthusiastic, friendly and keen to support the local community.
Jelly Tots is not meeting on 14th and 21st February.