New Hope For Children helps to support three children’s homes in Bogota, Columbia (Genesis, Exodus and Numbers Houses). Their main objective is to support the work in Bogota and help save children who are very much on the border of and sometimes already living on the street. The aim of the charity is to help provide a loving family, break cycles of abuse and neglect and to provide education to break the cycle of poverty.
New Hope provide a safe home and a loving and caring family to many street children from the area, from babies to young adults. They also help to support Children’s vision ‘beginning of wisdom’ school, which helps children that come from very poor areas around the city of Bogota. God’s word is taught and His love shown in every area.
This year the children were able to have a few fun days away at a farm which was o ered to the charity. With the continued support of Churches like Croham Baptist, they continue to support these children and are currently carrying out building work on a new house for them.